Look With Fresh Eyes

Because our brains are EHM’s (energy hungry monsters) they work super hard at conserving energy. One way they do this is by getting used to WOW moments really quickly!

Something that made you go WOW yesterday will make you go Meh pretty soon, if you see it often enough.

It’s not a bad thing, but it’s a real thing, and sometimes it takes energy to rediscover the wonder in the things and the ones we love.

Try looking through fresh eyes.

Kids say WOW at everything! Imagine you’re a child seeing and feeling the world through their eyes and ears. Literally shut your eyes and imagine you don’t know what’s in front of you.

Open them again, and notice. Notice what might make you say WOW, if you hadn’t seen it all before!

The smallest of joys can be WOW moments if we revisit them through fresh eyes.
Your pet.
Your garden.
Your morning coffee.
The sun through the curtains.

What can you see through fresh eyes today?

Julia Grace: Be Kind to Your Mind


One Degree of Change


Gad and Bood