

Mental wellness means staying healthy in our brain which links inextricably with the rest of our body. Anti-depressants come in many shapes and sizes and help to keep us in balance - yay!

Maintaining our hormone and chemical levels helps our whole selves to function smoothly - from our thoughts, to our physical experiences right through to our feelings.

So where do we get our anti-depressants from? GREAT NEWS! Here’s a bunch of sources (in no particular order) we can access to boost our mental wellness!!


Green spaces, open water, pure air and the chance to decompress the mind is a sure-fire way to improve your mental wellness.

We spend too long in mentally stressful situations and not long enough challenging our bodies to do what they were designed to do. This leaves our brains exhausted and our bodies unfit.

Whether it’s a walk around the park or a full-scale bush bash, nature will speak to your soul like nothing else. Keep the anxiety, burnout and depression at bay with a dose of NATURE.


Love, human connection and real nutritious food are some ways to get your dose of nurture.

When the stress-O-meter is peaking take time to NURTURE yourself with things and people you love.


I’m so grateful for advances in modern medicine, from the heart surgery that saved my life through to the medication that has helped me through depression.

I love that we live in a country where doctors give holistic medical advice and take mental wellness seriously. If you need to see a DOCTOR as a source of anti-depressants, don’t hesitate!


Professional counselling can help make real sense of your past and positive changes to your future.

It always helps to speak your thoughts, (even if it’s just to your pot plants) but a great COUNSELLOR is so worth the investment of time and money.


By taking time to contemplate and communicate with our Creator we make space in our heads and gain perspective.

Acknowledging our fragility and leaning in on God takes the pressure off ourselves and our need to be in control of things that are not ours to control.

Take a dose of time with the CREATOR on a daily basis.

Have a wonderful day

Aroha nui

Julia xx


You Are What You Eat


Caring For The Carers